Supported by Guildhall Creative Entrepreneurs
A small yet compelling vocal coaching organization, positioning itself to take the teaching of vocal arts to a new level ... VOX fosters a unique entrepreneurial spirit helping singers navigate the crucial transition from student to professional.
Amati Guildhall Creative
Entrepreneurs Award
Exploring Sondheim from a singer’s perspective
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Sondheim’s music is more than just Music Theatre and certainly has a unique style all of its own, therein lies the challenge. How does a classically trained singer approach and present this style with the authenticity required from the performer for the composer? In this presentation Morag will explore not just that singing this repertoire is of value but how it can feed other singing styles in its use of interpretation, ambiguity, acting skills, character study, dramatic context, humanity, humour, playfulness, with reference to his unique use of text, play on words and dramatic parlando.
As Sondheim himself said in Sunday in the Park with George:
“Bit by bit, putting it together
Piece by piece, only way to make a work of art.
Every moment makes a contribution,
Every little detail plays a part.
Having just the vision’s no solution,
Everything depends on execution,
Putting it together, that’s what counts.”