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Supported by Guildhall Creative Entrepreneurs
A small yet compelling vocal coaching organization, positioning itself to take the teaching of vocal arts to a new level ... VOX fosters a unique entrepreneurial spirit helping singers navigate the crucial transition from student to professional.
Amati Guildhall Creative
Entrepreneurs Award
Upcoming Courses
Following the success of our first ever French Vocal Repertoire online course, even though we can’t host singers in person this year we are thrilled to announce that we will be conducting an online course on Italian Opera direct from the Palazzo Guarnieri in Feltre from August 20 - 22, 2020 Live streaming from the Palazzo will give you a sense of the magic of Feltre and hopefully whet your appetite for 2021’s staged opera scenes.
It is still an adventure for all of us, we’re learning a lot and enjoying this new process which is allowing us to explore a host of innovative possibilities! Join us as we continue our journey into
the virtual workshops world.
Click Here for More Information!
Following on from the success of Vox Integra’s online French Vocal Repertoire course (June 26 – 28 2020) we are delighted to announce a further intensive online weekend of French vocal repertoire to take place on September 18 – 20 2020.
Click Here for More Information!
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