Supported by Guildhall Creative Entrepreneurs
A small yet compelling vocal coaching organization, positioning itself to take the teaching of vocal arts to a new level ... VOX fosters a unique entrepreneurial spirit helping singers navigate the crucial transition from student to professional.
Amati Guildhall Creative
Entrepreneurs Award
Online French Vocal Repertoire Course
June 2020
Tutors: Theresa Goble, Robin Bowman, Beverley Worboys and Brian Parsons
We are delighted to announce that we’ve decided to transfer the Alsace French Vocal Repertoire course online!
It’s a new adventure for all of us and we would like to invite you to join us on our very first journey into the world of virtual workshops. This intensive course, newly revised for online workshop teaching will take place from 26–28th of June 2020. Alongside the usual Vox French Song Team, including the international tenor Brian Parsons, for many years a voice professor at the conservatoires of Lyon and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, Theresa Goble, founder of Vox Integra and voice professor at the GSMD, Beverley Worboys, soprano, artistic director and producer, we are thrilled to announce the participation of Robin Bowman on the course, a leading French repertoire expert. Robin Bowman worked as assistant to Pierre Bernac , the singer for whom Poulenc wrote more than half his songs, for the last decade of Bernac’s life. For many years he was principal French vocal repertoire teacher at the Guildhall School, French consultant for the National Opera Studio as well as head of vocal studies at the Guildhall School. His international career as an accompanist included partnerships with Dawn Upshaw and Gérard Souzay. The weekend’s focus is French Repertoire, both mélodie and French opera. Previous courses have atracted singers from France, Germany, Switzerland, England and America. The online course will have some new features including an introductory talk by Robin Bowman on the principles of singing French mélodie, as well as specialised masterclasses focusing on French Opera, and on French poetry and how it is transformed when set to music, given respecLvely by Theresa Goble and Robin Bowman.
As part of the preparation for this course, students will be asked to send a video of their performance, preferably of French repertoire, well before attending the course, which Robin will work on, offering suggestions for further development. These comments will be sent to each singer privately and individually. In this way, singers will be better prepared for their work on the course, and Robin will be able to assess which aspects of the performance of French vocal repertoire can most profitably form the focus of his teaching during the online weekend.
Besides these new features, the course also provides: one-to-one diagnostic sessions tailored to each individual singer on technique, interpretation and body work, and group work to bring together in performance aspects explored individually. In the evenings, virtual group social gatherings will be organized. We realise that holding the workshop online is not the same as a live gathering, but we hope to enable it still to be a holistic experience. Examples of collective themes discussed include optimum vocal projection, better ways of practicing/rehearsing and practical tips on self-taping and appearing professional on video. The course will culminate in a virtual concert on Sunday evening.
Participant Investment: €295/£265